Jan 2021 | Introducing – Our New Sigmat Sustainability Committee

Green Agenda


Introducing – Our New Environmental & Sustainability Committee

With sustainable building and environmental concerns at the very top of our agenda, we are delighted to announce that we have created our own in-house Environmental & Sustainability Committee.

Dedicated to driving the green agenda across our entire business, the committee is made up of an eclectic cross section of Sigmat team members. With representatives from across the business, our passionate Sustainability team includes a wide-range of skill sets from apprentices with an active interest in building a more sustainable future, to engineers, designers and board level directors who recognise the impact our environmental credentials will have on both the planet and future business growth. 

The committee has been tasked to asses our overall sustainability impact and measure our performance against three key areas; the environment and climate change, the people and communities we serve and who we choose to work with via our procurement and supply chain.

Ultimately, it will be their responsibility to set a challenging carbon neutral target and make sure we have the strategy, expertise, resource and passion to achieve it.


So, how will we get there?

Quarterly committee meetings will form the bedrock of action plan. The team are already undertaking a full sustainability audit of the entire business, from the factory and off-site activities, to our role and responsibilities on site, back office support systems and overall culture.

From eliminating waste to continuing our commitment to sustainable R&D; our social corporate responsibility goals and exacting supplier expectations, our new green policy will sit at the very heart of all we do.

As one of the most innovative LGSF specialists in the UK, steel, is obviously is core to our business. As a material its 100% recovery to re-use factor, already makes us far more sustainable than other, more traditional methods of construction.

A great platform to build from – but not enough.

We want zero to landfill. We want to become net carbon zero. But more than anything we want to build, better, more sustainable communities; transform our leisure and education landscape and over deliver on our commitment to the environment at every level.

By creating our dedicated in-house Environmental & Sustainability committee we are pledging to keep all things green at the very top of our agenda. We look forward to sharing their vision, along with our overall strategy along and green KPI’s as they emerge.

Read our CEO's statement on Sustainable Construction and the Sigmat Sustainability Committee. 

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